Positively Inspired,Productivity
Update: All of the comments were amazing, ladies!! I can’t wait to rock 2015 together! Don’t forget to keep me posted on your progress and your wins throughout the year. You all deserve a planner, obviously, that goes without saying :)…drum roll, please….the winners are Rose McChesney, Trish Bertrand and Cindy Reeves (and the crowd goes wild)!!!! xoxo, beautifuls…If you love this planner, you can find it here. Thank so much for your generosity, Sage Grayson! You are AWESOME
Wow! I was beginning to think that we were never, ever, ever getting back together (I sound just like Taylor Swift as I am sing this to myself. No really, just trust me on this, I do.) It has been waaaay too long since my last post and I have missed you sooooo much. Let’s never be apart that long again, ok? Deal? Let’s just say as a newbie blogger, I wasn’t prepared for the disruption that December presented to my regularly scheduled routine. Now I see why pro bloggers talk about planning out your blog post calendar. Yes, that is a good idea. I am doing that this year. On that note, let’s talk of calendars, organizing, goal setting and the awesome opportunity for a fresh start that is the month of January
My friend, Sage Grayson has an amazingly excellent 2015 planner that I am loving. Thank you, Sage! This is a fabulous way to reflect on 2014 and an inspiring, fun and adorable way to organize my goals, schedule and routines for 2015. Since the beginning of the year is a great time to hit the reset button and make decisions about how I want my life to look and what it will take to get from here (the cookies and eggnog induced stupor that is the end of December and first few days of January) to there (a year full of health, happiness and abundance), I thought it would be fun to look at the Edited Year 2015 Planner and do some of the exercises together.
If you don’t know Sage yet, she has a passion for helping driven, motivated women edit their lives by tweaking their habits, routines and mindsets so they can find balance and happiness at work and home. She is great at what she does! She is a life editor/coach with a gift for pinpointing the adjustments that women need to make to achieve their goals and live life on purpose. Her philosophy is that you don’t need a whole new life, you just need to make small, manageable edits along the way to create a life you love.
An outline of Sage’s approach to making big changes through mini adjustments
Look at what is already working in your life. These parts of your life provide a stable foundation to build on.
Whether it is a person, a habit or a situation you have to give it the boot, so it doesn’t take up space that could be occupied by good stuff. Make room, step aside, awesome people and experiences coming through.
Now that you cleared out the junk, you have space and energy for improvements. You can focus on creating your dream job, attracting a great partner, getting healthy or whatever other wonderfulness you desire.
If your life isn’t running smoothly you may need to take some time to rearrange the pieces and make your schedule work for you.
This is where you make space for rest, recharging and me time so you have the energy to kick butt and execute your Big Plans.
This is so key! Sage reminds us that life editing is an ongoing process. Life changes, people change, needs and wants change, so we have to take time to evaluate and continue to tweak things as we go along.
I love this planner because it has bright, fun worksheets where you can reflect on what worked and what didn’t in 2014 as a foundation for goal setting and planning in 2015.
I wanted more than just a calendar this year, I wanted a place to declare my big dreams for 2015 and a way to organize my to do list so I can really make things happen. This is no joke, people.
Open the Jen & Company Etsy Shop
Learn how to make beautiful art by taking Lifebook 2015 classes
Become a More Effective Mama to my adorable kiddos
What about you? What fabulously cool stuff are you working on in 2015? Tell me, tell me!
Now that you know the what, this planner helps you figure out the how in so many creative ways, look at all these pretty pages of monthly, weekly and daily planning, to do lists, life edits and priorities…
I just love it because it is a constant reminder that you aren’t doing things “wrong” you are just making adjustments and figuring out the “right” answers for You, for Right Now. It takes the fear of failure right out of the equation and puts the fun back in setting big goals and making them a reality.
Sage also makes space in the planner for a reflection on what’s working and what needs more adjustment on a monthly and quarterly basis. It really gives you the sense that you have a life coach helping you organize your life, time and energy to create more of what you want in your life.
But here is what makes it really stand out…drum roll please…Sage gives you a free, 1 hour quarterly review strategy call as a thank you for buying the planner. Seriously though, who does that? She offers 4 hours of coaching with the purchase of a $12 planner! Yep, that is pretty amazing. I am constantly impressed with how generous Sage is with her time and her products. She is such a great resource for anyone looking to bring more happiness, productivity and balance to her life.
Sage believes in abundance and gratitude and it is so great to know her. I hope you look at this planner and love it and use it to create a life more awesome. And no, Sage didn’t pay me to say this stuff, it is just how I feel
2015 Edited Life Planner, Calendar, featured, goals, sage grayson
WOW! Thank you so much for this amazing review of my planner, Jen! I had a blast making it, and I hope you love it. Can’t wait to give away 3 copies to your lucky readers.
Thanks, Sage! Really appreciate you sharing it with the awesome-istas who frequent Jen & Co. Everyone here is excited to live life on purpose, and this is going to help, big time!! xoxo, Jen
My big dream is to become a Life Coach! And blog 2xs a week and lead a weekend retreat in November.
I’d love to get this to help keep me focused
thank you for offering such an awesome giveaway.
glad you are back!
Paula, you are awesome! Thanks for the fast reply and I can’t wait to see you start your life coach training and build your amazing blog (which I already love!)
You are going to crush it in 2015 xoxo, Jen
this planner looks awesome. In 2015 I want to have my brand more established. They also want to have a smooth blog posting schedule. I’ve put a lot of time into getting my blog up and running so by the beginning of February I want to start integrating time for other activities I’ve postponed. Thanks to you and Sage for putting this together!
I agree, jenna!! Your blog is looking beautiful! But I know so much time on one thing makes it hard to find a balance. That’s why I love this planner. It makes room for notes about the little adjustment you can make here and there to keep priorities straight. Xoxo
My goals for this year all revolve around focus. I want to really focus in on my business and where I want to take that. I want to find more focus everywhere. I am way too scatterbrained and am desperate to change that. I’m guessing this planner could help me bunches in that area.
Anyhoo, thanks for the opportunity and have a lovely day!
Hi Nicole! This sounds like a great goal! Thanks for sharing. I can so relate to the scattered feeling :). Sometimes I get so excited about so many projects at once it is hard to pick just one or two to focus on. Xoxo, Jen you can do it all, but not all at once
Hi, Jen!
So good to see you back! You were missed, girlfriend!! ♡
One of my big dreams/goals/intentions is to get my systems and studio seriously organized so that I can spend the least amount of time maintaining them as possible. And in so doing, I can focus the bulk of my time on creative products, projects and collaborations and learning! ♡
I can’t wait to collaborate with you more this year, Nancy!! Love your focus on crafting happy, I am a huge fan! And I can’t wait to see you reach your big goals for Domesticraft this year! Let’s chat business plan/big vision stuff soon
xoxo, Jen
Yay! Glad you are back, Jen! I made a lot of progress in 2014 and I am really looking forward to building on it this year.
Awesome giveaway!
You totally rocked 2014! Can’t wait to see what 2015 brings! I love how open you are to feedback and suggestions. That plus your focus on customer service makes you an AMAZING business owner. Big hugs, Richelle! xo
My goal for 2015 is to TRANSFORM the way I do things. No more endless researching things to death. My focus will be solid actions and realistic goal setting. I found in reviewing 2014 that my action steps were too large thus not really attainable. I grew last year, but the goals I set for myself were just a tad out of reach. So for 2015, I’m working on writing it all down and really digging deep so my focus areas sharp and rock solid!
Yay, go Trish! Yes, perfectionism and huge expectations make it easy to get overwhelmed. I like the idea of an easy goal, medium goal and big goal. Just an idea. But, that way maybe it wouldn’t feel so all or nothing? If you hit the easy goal, awesome! The medium goal, even better and the big goal, means you really stretched it. But even if you don’t quite hit the big goal (yet) you see the progress and acknowledge the win
xoxo, girl! Jen
I’m working on several different things this year, but the biggest is getting myself into a routine so that I’m more productive. I have a lot of loves and hobbies and I want to try to make the most of them often. By setting aside time each day/throughout the week for them, I’m hoping I can be creative and productive.
Yes, Pam! That is so key. I just made myself a fun, hand lettered morning routine (next I will do the night routine). Routines build good habits and habits are like putting your brain on auto-pilot. That frees up brain space for the things you love. Creating routines that build in taking care of yourself and making space for the things you love is EXACTLY what this planner is all about! xoxo
My goals for 2015 are to make a big jump into coaching athletes in running and/or triathlon. I love introducing and mentoring people into these sports!
How awesome is that! I love your energy! Great goal
What an exciting career move. Not sure where you are at in the process of reaching this goal, but sounds like you have the discipline and endurance to get there. Thanks, girl! xoxo, Jen
A goal for this year is to be more focused and better manager of my time. I believe having a planner can help me be more organized for sure!
Cindy, yes time management is a great goal! Sage is such a pro at this, the planner is tailor made to help people see where they are spending their time and how they can be more productive. Thanks for sharing
xoxo, Jen
my big dream for this year is to start a brand new blog/ business supporting the parents of high ability children in their parenting journey. I am moving towards thus goal, but would love lovely Sage’s planner to help me on my way!
That sounds amazing! Cant wait to see it all take shape, lucy!! Xoxo, jen
Hello Sage,
I just met you when i bought the digital course of April Bowles.
You are such an enthusiastic person.
I would like a good planner so that makes my life easier and more in balance with my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, myself, my business (wellness-food-sports), co-workers, clients…
Especially because this year i want to throw myself in the social media. Starting a Facebook page is done and now blogging is the next step. Very exciting
Instagram, pinterest, twitter… are the following things. You see 2015 will be a great year! But you can’t do everything together. It all starts with a good plan.
With your fancy planner in my hand work-play-life will be so much easier.
Thanks for the contest and good luck for your own goals to….
All the best, Tinneke
Sounds, great! That’s what i love about it too! It makes it easy to move your goals forward in all spheres of life without feeling overwhelmed. You take baby steps in the right direction on all fronts.
One of my blogging goals is to blog consistently with at least 3 posts per week. I have a few running goals, and some personal ones too (meal plan, set up a bill payment system, and BUDGET). I’d love a copy of Sage’s planner to help me kick 2015’s booty
Awesome, Suzanna! We are so going to rock 2015! Xo
I love that you are doing this! You and Sage rock.
After a couple of rough years that totally kicked my butt, I’m looking at this year as a year to restore my health and joy in a lot of ways. And one of those is through blogging and opening up the digital side of my marketing business. I am excited about what’s in store there!!
Go, Rose! I love that you are focusing on restoring yourself to health and happiness! There is nothing more important. Sounds like you have a plans in place for 2015, exciting! xoxo, Jen
I love creating white space and always editing. Important for sure! You ladies sure are fantastic! In 2015, I’m taking my business from start-up to pro level. This will be my second year in business, and I’m going to rock it big time now that I can focus on it 100% Plus I can’t wait for a few courses by some awesome ladies that are about to start next week. Feb. 1 is a huge day for me as I’ll be releasing my first three full collections! Yikes! Oh, man, the list goes on and on. By the way, I think I need that XoXo sign!
Yay, Renay! I have seen you around a lot online, can’t wait to get to know you and your biz more in 2015
Wow, pro-level! Love it, girl! Bet we are in some of the same classes starting in Feb. Can’t wait to see you rock 2015. xoxo, Jen (PS. Sign was from Target, but I haven’t seen it the last few years, sigh. So cute, they need to make more!)