Positively Inspired,Pretty Crafts and DIY
Hi, Beautiful! Last week I made a list of some fun ways to bond with that special someone who often gets overlooked (read: you). You can see the list here. Go ahead and check it out, I can wait…waiting…waiting…you back yet? Ok, yay! So this week I thought it would be fun to show you […]
I love decorating for the holidays! If I can make a wreath, a banner, perhaps use some GLITTER, then I am in! Any excuse to buy craft supplies, girl. Sometimes, I actually manage to make the project I envision and sometimes, not so much. You might have already noticed my obsession with burlap wreaths. I […]
I am all about creating a life more awesome by, among other things, filling yourself up with happy by doing things you love to do. What better way to start off the Holiday countdown than to show you a few of the things I love to do. Decorating for Christmas and making crafts and handmade […]