Positively Inspired,Pretty Crafts and DIY
7 Aug , 2015
Hi, Beautiful! Last week I made a list of some fun ways to bond with that special someone who often gets overlooked (read: you). You can see the list here. Go ahead and check it out, I can wait…waiting…waiting…you back yet? Ok, yay! So this week I thought it would be fun to show you […]
Kicking Perfectionism to the Curb,Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
31 Jul , 2015
This post is part of the Happy Habits Series. You can find the beginning of the conversation here. The rest of the habits are here: Habit #1, Habit #2, Habit #3 Hello, Gorgeous!! It’s been a lonnng time! I am excited to be back on the blog and writing to you. Hope you had a great few months. My […]
Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
28 Mar , 2015
*If you want to get back to the beginning of the conversation, you can find the original Happy Habits post here, the Habit #1 details here, Habit #2 here and here and…TADA…you are all caught up. When you fill up on good stuff that you love to do, you have more patience and energy […]
do fun things, do things you love, featured, habit #3, happiness, happy habit
Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
22 Feb , 2015
Hi, Beautiful! Hope you are having a fabulous time enjoying the day with someone you love! Okay, this week I wanted to finish off the list of life tweaks you can use to build time into your day to prioritize your favorite people. You know who I am talking about! Your parents, your friends, your siblings […]
Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
8 Feb , 2015
How are you, gorgeous? I have been dying to write to you this week! I have so many ideas to bounce off you. Seriously, are you ready? Do you have a cup of tea or a latte or something? Get comfy so we can figure out how to make our lives even more […]
Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
26 Jan , 2015
Awhile back I wrote about the 10 Habits of Contagiously Happy People. I thought it would be super fabulous to take each habit from a big vague idea and break it down into bite size steps we can start using today! These habits are intuitive, we know what we need to do fill our cup […]
Positively Inspired,Productivity
17 Jan , 2015
Update: All of the comments were amazing, ladies!! I can’t wait to rock 2015 together! Don’t forget to keep me posted on your progress and your wins throughout the year. You all deserve a planner, obviously, that goes without saying :)…drum roll, please….the winners are Rose McChesney, Trish Bertrand and Cindy Reeves (and the […]
2015 Edited Life Planner, Calendar, featured, goals, sage grayson
Positively Inspired,Practicing Happiness
8 Nov , 2014
I have said it before, but it bears repeating, Happiness is a Choice. Is that not the best news ever?! It instantly makes me feel powerful and in control of how I act and react as I navigate my life. My first instinct is not always to, um, choose Happiness. That said, I have […]
Positively Inspired,Project Dream Career
24 Oct , 2014
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series on the blog this week showing you how Jen & Company came to be and where we are going. (Find Part 1 and Part 2 here) Yay, you stuck with me. You are so great! Thanks for giving me your attention like this I am finally […]
Positively Inspired,Project Dream Career
22 Oct , 2014
This is Part 2 of a 3 Part Series on the blog this week showing you how Jen & Company came to be and where we are going. (Find Part 1 here) Where was I? Oh yes, so I took Busy to Happy and learned that I could go from Busy (running around doing […]
I am here to help you create an awesome life!
We are in this together, and I. CAN'T. WAIT.
We got this!