Perfectly Jen,Positively Inspired
This little blog is such a project of love. I am excited to get a chance to connect with you. I have so many thoughts floating around in my head and here is where I get to spill them all out and hope you find some gems that resonate with you. I just discovered a name for people like me There are lots of other words as well, lol, but I am talking about this great catch-all phrase…wait for it…Multi-Passionate…TA DA!! Does this sound familiar? Have you already heard it? Well, I heard it at Creative Live studios during the class I took about finding your Dream Career with Michelle Ward, and as soon as I heard it, it totally fit.
Honestly, whether some people consider this description “good” or “bad” is really none of my business. I care not, if traditionalists want to label me flakey or unfocused. It makes me soooo excited by life to be a generalist, Jane of all Trades and so on. I love learning new things, I love meeting new people and trying my hand at different types of projects and classes. It makes me feel ALIVE. It makes my brain HAPPY.
Personally, some of the most intriguing people I know are those who are fascinated by a long list of topics. They can talk about their feelings in one minute and the Civil Rights Movement in the next. I am riveted by those types of conversations. The discussion flies off in one tangent or another and I go along for the ride, excited to see where it leads.
Where am I going with this? Where is this particular chat headed? It is a winding road to my ever-growing bucket list. I know the phrase is kind of an odd concept, “Um, things you want to do before you die.” But, this life is an adventure and it is speeding by at an alarming rate. So, to be intentional I am making a visual checklist of some of the things I want to get done while I am still living it.
Ready to see what I think is fun, what I want to achieve? What about you? Can you leave me a comment with some of your big dreams for your beautiful life?
Chuck it in your bucket, baby!
xoxo, Jen
P.S. This is the first step, the brain dump, but I won’t get far without actionable steps. So, watch for posts with the tag “bucket list” to see how the ideas are turning into reality. Do it too, yes?? I want to see what your big dreams look like and celebrate your wins too. This is going to be AWESOME! Can’t wait! Leave a comment, send an email, use hashtag #bucketlist on social media, whatever you like. I can’t wait to hear about your fab adventures and interests, I live for that stuff!!
Make your own Bucket List using this printable…Bucket List
The Bucket List
bucket list, creative live, featured, Jennifer Scerri, Michelle Ward, multi-passionate
Well said! You pretty much nailed it
That is SO me too. I want to do everything. But I have felt like I needed to focus on one thing to make money. Since watching Michelle’s course I feel like it’s ok for me to have a bunch of part-time jobs I love, as long as I work hard on all of them.
Maybe someday we’ll get to hang out in person. That would be a fun party!
I love that our bucket lists are so similar! Sign me up for craftiness, sprint-tri, spiritedness, etc. I also want to have an urban farm, pursue artistry, and travel for pleasure and humanitarian reasons too. Great post and adorable printable!
Italy – done
White water rafting – done
Cow tipping – not done and don’t care if it’s considered cruel
RV across country & back – not done
Visit the south (think Fried Green Tomatoes and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) – not done
Jen, this is great! For a long time I always felt unfocused, disperse, and just all over the place! So I can totally relate to you… I am Multi-passionate as well and homestly, I love it. I want to know about everything, learn about so many things, I have growth mindset not a fixed one. Being multi-passionate takes courage and lots of work, so I love it like this! I love this post, so happy to know I have you and many other share and embrace this trait.
Part of my bucket list….go to India and get my hands painted, build a children’s museum in Nicaragua, be my own boss, learn to paint, craft more, stop to see the flowers more often,…
More feeling like a badass! I like that one. You’ve actually given me a great idea for a post next week! Thanks!
Yay! Can’t wait to read it. Let me know when it’s up! xoxo