Positively Inspired,Project Dream Career
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series on the blog this week showing you how Jen & Company came to be and where we are going. (Find Part 1 and Part 2 here)
Yay, you stuck with me. You are so great! Thanks for giving me your attention like this
I am finally coming to the good part, the NEXT BIG THING.
Since taking April’s Busy to Happy class in July, I have continued to stay active in her Facebook group. I have made friends with classmates, and we have been able to share victories and struggles as we create lives and careers on our own terms.
A few weeks ago, April made an announcement in FB that she would be teaching another class at CreativeLive next month. Immediately, I felt the familiar mix of anxiety and excitement that shows up whenever I am presented with a chance to make a big life changing move that requires getting out of my own way. Wow, a chance to meet a April in real life? A chance to meet some of my B to H classmates in real life? A chance to take a next step toward my dream career? Um, let me think…YES!!!!
At the risk of being told no, I applied anyway. April’s class is about standing out in a crowd, and strengthening your brand and your message. It is also about creating and successfully launching digital products. This is all so new and exciting! So, what am I thinking? I am thinking this is going to be So. Much. Fun! I love being crafty, I love pretty decor, I love using my creativity and I love inspiring women to be unapologetic goal diggers! Do you see where I am going with? I want to make beautiful printables that you and I can hang on our walls, frame on our desks and gift to our friends. Whether it is a little girl who hangs it above her bed, a teen who hangs it in her locker or you who puts it up in your living room or your cube/office at work. It makes me so happy to think of creating pretty things to remind you of how fabulous you already are. No improvements needed, come to the party as you are, you look great.
I envision linking my (currently imaginary, but soon to be real) printables shop to the blog. I would start with instant download printables that I design to make you laugh or smile or feel like you can conquer the world. I could feature the creative ways you use the printables to beautify and up-happy your life and the lives of those around you. You could send me pictures of your nest or cube and inspire others to surround themselves with fun messages about how much they rock too. This is going to be EPIC! I can hardly wait!! Can you tell it is already huge in my mind??!!
One of the things I love most about this idea is that it encompasses so much of what I want this blog to be about. The message of this second phase of Jen & Company is about the F word and the C word, Freedom and Choice (obviously 😉 ). It is about finding a way to fund a life for my family that is grounded in the values I want to instill in my little peeps. It is about building a foundation both financially and emotionally that aligns with the message I want to give you, the message I want to give myself and the message I want to give my children.
This shiny little corner of the internet is about creating a life more awesome, and by adding digital products to the site I can spread the message in a more tangible way. AND I can live the message more fully by following my intuition into the unknown and trusting that life is full of good stuff and the more of it we share with each other the more of it we generate.
I can’t wait to use the earnings from the printables shop to fund some amazing new opportunities for my family and for others. A percentage of sales will be donated to organizations that empower girls and women, that foster leadership, independence, self confidence and financial stability. I also plan to fund my training as a life coach, so I can master some skills and build a tool box full of ways to help women own their awesomeness and be models of the strength they want to cultivate in their daughters.*
*Please note: While I am drawn to helping females see their inner fabulous, I also think boys and men are full of all things awesome and amazing as well (of course!). Trouble is most of them just don’t like glitter and flowers. If you are a guy and you do like sparkly things, or more importantly, if you do hear something in this community that helps you live a better life, please pipe up and be heard. I have a most adorable and brilliant son and I am so grateful for him every day. He is an inspiring little human and I can’t wait to see him grow into a kind and loving man. So, please don’t think that there isn’t room for everyone. Boys are most definitely allowed.
Are you excited?! Shall we do this? It would be so radically handy if you were to join the mailing list (see it there on the left side of the home page) so that we can grow this thing together. At first glance, there might not be a lot of content here YET, but that is changing FAST. And it just wouldn’t be Jen & Company without you.
Are you ready to make your creative work more lucrative, stable, and sustainable in the long-term? Join April Bowles-Olinfor an introduction to digital products and how they can enhance your creative business. This course will show you how to produce and position viable products for generating multiple revenue streams and passive income. RSVP right here to watch it live and get access to the workbook for FREE. This post is part of the Create Digital Products blog tour.
april blog tour, CreativeLive, featured
So excited to see where you take this Jennifer! And I can’t wait to meet you!
Super job, again! I am so enjoying your posts! They are so easy to relate too! I am just loving your style and gumption! ♡
Style and gumption! I love that
Thanks ladies. xoxo, Jen
I think your posts are inspiring and fun and open–a winning combination. Thank you for sharing so much with us about why you’re taking this course and what you want to do with it. I hope so very much that my course helps you accomplish these awesome things!
I’m totally with you on inpsiring my little family to work in a meaningful way that fits with your ‘best life’. I can’t wait to see what printables you produce, and then what comes next!
Jen, these three posts have been fabulous. I love the way you have really explored and shared the whole story with us. And I wish you so, so much success with your grand plans! I was thinking after reading Part 2 that it reminded me a bit of one of my favourite TED talks – not always knowing where you are going but surrounding yourself with support and a positive attitude to get there. I blogged about if you want to take a peek
I’m excited too (deep breath…I’m ok now), and I love your story. Can’t wait to meet in San Francisco and see you in the reals!
Oh, Jen, I’m so glad I’ve gotten to all three posts! Your energy and enthusiasm is infectious and I love it!
I’ll be so excited to watch you on Creative Live! I’m eager to learn more about digital products and art-related products so I’ll have my eye on you and your creative enthusiasm as I take notes and learn! I love your spirit and can-do attitude and can’t wait to see what you come up with! Wishing you all the best!!!!
Thanks for all of the words of encouragement, ladies! I am so excited and counting down the days till class. I can’t wait for us to all learn new things that help us grow and prosper and live more fabulous lives. xoxo, Jen
Thanks for all of the words of encouragement, ladies! I am so excited and counting down the days till class. I can’t wait for us to all learn new things that help us grow and prosper and live more fabulous lives. xoxo, Jen
You know I can’t wait for these printables, Jen
Totally jealous that you get to go to the actual class!!! Eeeek, fun! I totally would have gone, if I could have afforded the time to travel there!!
…haha, inspiring little human, you said, that made me lol, in a good way 😉 Sounds like you have learned tons from the blog class (from your writing) and you have a strong brand, you are on your way to success… p.s. I also love freedom, free to be, free to do, free to live life, free to step into yourself… yes, I hope you go on to inspire many!!
I know you know this, but I had to post it here, too
You’re awesome!!
I love this post and the whole series. I’m so glad we met at the Creative Live course.
Go Jen!
Yay! Agreed! Sooo glad we met, so glad you are awesome and so grateful for the chance to get to know you!! xoxo, Jen