The past year has been about getting to know myself all over again from the inside out. And what’s more? It has been about understanding and loving myself imPERFECTIONs and all. That has been a life long lesson. I am sooo much happier now that I have come to realize that I am a loveable, quirky little human doing the best I can to take care of my family and myself. I don’t need to be perfect to be loveable, you say? Wow, for realz? That is awesome news because I was getting a little concerned about my ability to be perfect. I don’t like to be a quitter or anything but truth be told, I’m willing to admit that perfection is out of my reach. And, um, it is such a relief to admit!
Now, instead of constantly trying and coming up short, I can focus on loving the life I already have. That is the best news ever! Not only, can I focus on cultivating my strengths, but I can admit my weakness and work with them rather than against them. Go me!
Loving myself, even when I am absent-minded, say something the wrong way, etc. has a plethora of other benefits as well. The biggest benefit?! Glad you asked. The biggest benefit is that I get a chance to give those around me a secret weapon. That weapon is permission to love themselves unconditionally as well. Now, I realize some people have already learned this magic trick and don’t “need permission” to love themselves. To this I say, “Yay for you mighty super hero!” But, for those of us who are a bit harder on ourselves, it might not be so easy.
Have you ever noticed that when you are around someone who is comfortable in her own skin, you feel more at ease? I think being genuine and kind is a gift that keeps on giving. The kinder and more loving I am to myself, the more room I make for others to be themselves around me. All this said, I am not an expert, but I am learning. And, by the way, having a much happier and joy filled life in the process. Let us pledge to love ourselves as we are. And when we start being hard on ourselves, let’s um, just pledge again.
On that note, I have decided to work with myself, rather than against myself. Let me tell you, moving forward is much easier to do without getting in your own way. One of the nicest things I have done to “coach” myself through the many changes I am facing in life, is to reach out to others and build accountability into my routine.
I have started cultivating an amazing tribe of like-minded people doing exceptional things with their lives. Two of those superstars are my bloggy BFFs Matti of Blanca of
I told these ladies I wanted to start a blog where I could reach out and talk to others about living a life that makes you want to high-five strangers and jump out of bed delighted to be YOU. They said, “Well then, what’s stopping you?” I said, “Well, let me tell you…I don’t know WordPress, don’t know how to make cute printables, don’t know what an RSS feed is, etc…” They were unimpressed with my excuses.
I thought, “Oh, you mean I am entering a community of DOers and excusing myself from following my dreams isn’t going to fly? Hmm, well isn’t this uncomfortable??”
I realized I had a choice to make… I could continue to think about cool ideas I wanted to share or I could DECIDE to ACTUALLY share them with you beautiful peeps. I mean, as much as I tried to reach you from my living room via telepathy, I wasn’t having much success, so here I am (dunt dunt duh) “OUT THERE”. And, I am sooo excited.
The literal wake up call, you ask? Well, in order to make this little piece of the internet sparkle and come to life, I have to write posts, yes? However, the proverbial BUT, is that I have two beautiful children, I am a single mom and I have a full-time job. So, guess when I have time to write to you? Um, at around 5:30 in the morning. And guess, who sends me a text message every morning and makes sure that I don’t let my BUT get in my own way? My fabulous partner in awesomeness…drum roll, please….Matti Vann. Thank you soo much girl!
I am the type who needs accountability, deadlines and people who won’t let me get away with slacking off. Rather than fighting my nature, I have incorporated more accountability into my life. And that, as they say, has made all the difference. Here’s to knowing yourself better than anyone else ever will. Here’s to being your fabulously, weird self! You rock! Now go out there and show the world your delightfully imperfect and Unique self, um like, NOW.
Here is a reminder to help you.
accountability, featured, life, love, productivity
Awesome post, Jen! I really love your style! I look forward to following your very inspiring blog. ♡
Awesome! It is fun to encourage people to step outside their comfort zone, isn’t it? Great post!
Beautiful printable, looking forward to reading more!
Go for it!
Jen! This is awesome! You did it and you rocked it. Can’t wait to be addicted to this blog!!! When is the next post 😉
Great!! From 1 perfectionist to another, I feel ya sister! I try to put all those perfectionist thoughts in a balloon & let them fly away.
Awesome! So perfectly you! Love your style and your heart. Very proud
Nice blogs you are writing sweetie, very good energy!
Keep on going
Fabulous post! I was really struck with this line:
“I realized I had a choice to make… I could continue to think about cool ideas I wanted to share or I could DECIDE to ACTUALLY share them with you beautiful peeps.
It’s all about choices, isn’t it?
Thanks for making the hard choice and share your honest thoughts and ideas!
Hi Beautiful! Thanks for writing, April! I am so excited that you took the time to write to me
Um, December threw me for a loop, (note to self: prepare for December craziness by writing posts for December in November). I can’t wait to write my next post this Saturday, yay! I miss this blog and can’t wait to get back to it. Keep writing and sharing, girl! xoxo, Jen